teamLab: LIFE exhibition or performance (2020)
An extraordinary exhibition/performance takes place at DDP in Seoul for the period from Septermber 25, 2020 to April 4, 2021.
Cultural Depot's exhibition of teamLab: LIFE has attracted much attention of the public thanks to celebrities' SNS photos and their viral recommendations. In the morning of beautiful Sunday in September, we were in the long line in front of the entrance of DDP Museum complying with the Corona-19 preventive measures.
The digital art exhibition/performance has been produced by teamLab from Japan. teamLab is an international art collective from 2001, which is an interdisciplinary group of various specialists such as artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians and architects whose collaborative practice seeks to navigate the confluence of art, science, technology, and the natural world.
According to its pamphlet, teamLab aims to explore the relationship between the self and the world, and new perceptions through art.
In a static moment, it looks like a digital art made of colorful lights.
Then we're still waiting for the next scene . . . in the darkness.
While we stay for a while, it moves like a motion picture of plants growing from seeds to flowers.
생명을 외친 전시회엔
그림자만 넘실댄다
Tho' they claim it’s LIFE,
Light-shadows are
filled in the exhibition halls.
푸른잎, 꽃이 그득해도
빛이 사라지면 그뿐
They show green leaves,
Colorful flowers.
When light is out, all disappear.
비바람 속에 꿋꿋이
자라는 생명은 어디에?
What we want to see is
Living things growing
despite strong wind and rains.