'In trutina' from Carmina Burana
기 - 起
Every time I listen to "O Fortuna", the starting piece of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, I think of a scene from a cinema. Armed knights were riding down a petal-strewn road. Perhaps the knights of King Arthur's Round Table.
The grandeur and epicness of Carl Orff's music, with the sound of a full orchestra and a big choir, would be incomparable!
Ever since then, whenever I have to make a big decision, I think of that scene and the soundtrack music.
승 - 承
One day, I was also listening to Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana No. 21 'In trutina'.
What’s the meaning of Latin words 'In trutina'?
Suddenly, I was getting curious of this piece of the grandiose music drama "Carmina Burana".
So I asked Google Bard to let me know the verses of this piece usually sung by a soprano singer.
The famous performers of the music number are, among others:
* Instrumental violinist Joshua Bell
* Voice of an Angel Charlotte Church
* Singer Barbra Streisand or Lucia Popp
* Soprano Addie Hamilton with Univ. of Georgia Symphony Orchestra.
전 - 轉
Bard gave me an answer in a few seconds.
The title "In trutina" is Latin for "on the balance". It is a metaphor for the weighing of the two options of love and chastity. The soprano singer in the piece represents the soul, who is struggling to decide which path to take.
The verses of the piece are as follows:
Verse 1:
In trutina suspensus/ amor et pudicitia/ ponderantur omnia/ semper in dubio
Suspended in the balance 저울 위에 놓여 있구나
are love and chastity 사랑이냐 순결이냐
all things are weighed 세상만사 저울에 달아보면
always in doubt. 늘 의문투성일세
Verse 2:
Amor, gravis pondere/ tendit ad terram/ pudicitia levem/ sustinet auram
Love, with its heavy weight 사랑은 중량감 있게
tends towards the earth 땅으로 기우는데
chastity with its light weight 순결은 너무 가벼워
is sustained by the air. 공기 중으로 날아간다
Verse 3:
Amor, flamma fervida/ ardet et scintillat/ pudicitia nivea/ lucet et refulget
Love, a burning flame 사랑은 타는 불꽃처럼
burns and scintillates 반짝이며 불타오른다
chastity, white as snow 순결은 눈처럼 하얗고
shines and reflects. 거울처럼 빛난다
Verse 4:
Amor, vis magna/ vincit omnia/ pudicitia fortis/ non succumbit
Love, a great force 사랑아, 위대한 힘이여
conquers all things, 모든 것을 정복하누나
chastity, strong 순결은 강하기 이를 데 없어
does not succumb. 어느 것에도 굴하지 않는다
The piece ends with the soprano singer resolving to choose love, even though it is a difficult path. The final line is:
Amor vincit omnia!
Love conquers all!. 마침내 사랑은 모든 것을 이긴다!
결 - 結
After all, two people who represents love and chastity, respectively, seemed to cross the line just like them close to King Arthur, i.e., Queen Guinevere and Knight Lancelot.
The song "In trutina" is a beautiful and moving exploration of the human struggle between love and chastity. It is a reminder that these are two powerful forces that can both bring joy and pain. Ultimately, the choice of which path to take is a personal one, and there is no easy answer.