Have you ever been to Seojong, Yangpyeong-gun recently?
It's one of the hot places near the Han River for museums and cafes.
survival plan
Impending danger
proves to be a game
If I've got the knack of it.
위험에 처해도 기회를 잡으면
게임이 된다
Koo House Museum of Art & Design Collection is full of everyday things around us.
But they are very unique and special because we can find the intrinsic beauty and elegance in the collection on display at this House Museum.

The world after coronavirus is the current topic of exhibition at Koo House Museum.
To work from home, to stay 24-hour at home in not unusual these days because of social distancing.
Most of us are surprised to find the other side of articles for daily use. Take an example of hangers.

It is said that home making, house chores, home cooking, DIY (do it yourself), etc. become popular these days.
Common people are increasingly interested in daily life winthin the home boundary - living room, kitchen, study. So naturally they want to put something special at those places.

The above statue with glasses is a part of 'Mobile' produced by Xavier Beilhan, who made it as the hommage to 'Le Corbusier', famous Swiss-French architect of UNESCO-inscribed World Cultural Heritage. There are more in the collection to be recognized as valuable cultural assets of world famous artists. See the catalogue of the museum.

Three-dimensional pictures are also a surprise to visitors.
At a glance, they were two-dimensional picture or article. After a while, they turned out to be three-dimensional! Those figures popped up from the surface. There appeared a deep hole when the light was on.

Ridiculous curiosity is the charateristic of the Millennial Generation.
What or whom are they looking for? Almost nothing. Surely, there is no key hole in the wall.
But they are ready to stand in the line because other celebrities on Instagram did it.

Contemporary digital art works are the main collection of Koo House Museum.
It's amazing to see a simple line of various colors make unexpected figures like a snake on a clothesline, female portrait or modern girl. Why don't you draw a picture of your own on the tablet?

House chores and gardening are also a main exhibition of Koo House Museum.
This is the actual studio of Museum Director Koo. Thirty years ago, she got an interesting idea of living art museum, and started to collect various pictures, small articles, sculptures and other artworks on the said theme.

Lifelong collection of artworks
favored by guests
will make extra joy.
평생 모은 것
여럿이서 즐기니
가외의 기쁨
추석연휴 기간 중 우리나라에서 CI 디자인을 개척한 것으로 유명한 디자인포커스의 구정순 대표가 만든 "집 같은 미술관"에서 모처럼 안복(眼福)을 누릴 수 있었다. 그렇다! 서울에도 1시간 거리에 뉴욕근교의 Dia:Beacon이나 강릉 부근의 하슬라 아트월드 같은 미술관이 있다고 자랑할 수 있게 된 것이다.
한 개인의 Lifework이 멋진 미술관의 컬렉션으로 나타나 있었다. 방송인 타일러의 영상 해설도 볼 수 있지만 아래 가이드에서 안내하는 것처럼 도슨트의 해설을 들어야 수집가의 의도나 현대미술 작품을 속속들이 이해할 수 있을 것 같다.
구 하우스 미술관의 소장품은 홈페이지에 들어가 보면 작가 이름의 알파벳 순으로 도록을 찾아볼 수 있다.
더욱이 요즘은 입장료의 반액을 양평군에서 지역화폐로 쓸 수 있는 선불카드에 충전해주므로 인근의 전망 좋은 카페나 레스토랑에서 한나절을 보낼 수도 있다.

So, we embarked on the next expedition to a restaurant in this area, Rectangular Sky (사각하늘), which is famous for good quality sukiyaki and udon.
After lunch, we moved to a riverside cafe, because Yangpyeong is associated with the Han River. As expected, we could see several water skiers enjoy water sports on the river.

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