A half of November has elapsed.
It means one month and a half of the year 2022 are left to us.
'November' reminds me of the instrumental music, "November Sky", composed and performed by Yanni.
I think it fits well the sentiment of the month - to say, late autumn or early winter.
A few days ago, a friend of mine sent a number of poems of the season.
So I put some of them into English as usual.
11월 - 송정란
November by Song Jeong-ran
바싹 마른 입술로
나뭇잎 하나 애절하게
자작나무 가지에 매달려 있다
곧 어디론가 떠날 듯한
몸짓으로 나무는
심하게 흔들리고 있다
고개를 내젓고 있다. . . 버스
차창 밖으로 이별을 기다리는
나무들이 줄지어 서 있다.
해마다 잎을 갈아치우는
나뭇가지의 완강한 팔뚝에
떨어지지 않으려고 악착같이
매달린 잎들이
모조리 소스라쳐 있다.
더 이상 내줄 것 없는 막막함으로
온몸 바스라질 것 같은 눈빛으로
속다 버린
사랑에 매달리고 있다. . .
여윈 나뭇잎 같은 계집 하나,
바싹 마른 입술로
창밖을 내다보고 있다
With parched lips,
a leave is hung pathetically
on the branch of a birch tree.
The tree is swayed hard
with a gesture
as if it’s about to leave somewhere.
It’s shaking its head. . . A bus
stops out of whose window
a line of trees wait for departure.
All the leaves are surprised,
which are hung persistently
on the stubborn arm-like branches
of a habit to change leaves each year
lest they should fall down.
Having a glance as if it destroys a body
desperately with nothing to give,
they are hung on love
being cheated and discarded . . .
A little girl like a dried-up leaf
with parched lips
is looking outside thru the bus window.
When leaves disappear and braches become naked, everybody seems to be melancholic with wishes depressed somewhat. At least until Christmas carols are heard on street and Christmas lighting is on, there would be few joyful things
That's why we become to rely on the phrase "If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?" of Percy Bysshe Shelley.
희 망 - 송정란
Hope by Song Jeong-ran
저 어두운 바닥같이
가라앉을 때마다
끊임없이 나를
밀어 올리는
내 영혼의
Whenever I was sinking to
that dark bottom of sea,
it’s the buoyancy
of my soul
that puts me
upward incessantly.
It should be noted that, if the melancholic sentiment persists and repeats everyday, it develops to depression.
As poet Song said in her excentric poem "Spider", the poison collected little by little would entrap herself into a snare from which one cannot escape with ease.
Therefore, in this season, it is the best policy to get rid of the cobweb in mind, to take a walk in the sunshine, and to chat with close friends.
거 미 - 송정란
Spider by Song Jeong-ran
제가 쳐놓은 그물에 사로잡혀
오래도록 떠나지 못하고 있다.
마음이라는 덫은
한 번 걸려들면 다시 발을 빼기가 어려워,
바람이 불면
모든 것을 털어버릴 듯 출렁이기도 하지만
절대 제 마음을 놓치는 법이 없다
was caught by the net laid by himself
and unable to leave for a long time.
Once he is entrapped by
a snare called mind, it’s hard for him to escape it.
When wind blows,
the net was trembling as if it' ready to drop everything,
but he’ll never lose his mind absolutely.
치명적인 상처에 대해
골똘히 생각하고 있는지 모른다
한 발짝도 더 나아갈 수 없다고
믿고 있는지 모른다
may think of fatal scars
seriously, I guess.
He would have a belief
he can proceed no more.
아니, 그는
그 누군가의 급소를 생각하면서
속이 까맣게 타 들어가는
독을 모으고 있는 중인지도 모른다
No, he
might collect poison enough
to make himself burnt inside
by targeting someone else’s vital point.
This eveing when leaves were drifted away by wind, I listened to a chanson "Les feuilles mortes"(The Autumn Leaves), which was sung by a late singer Yves Montand (1921-1991), and becomes very popular at this time of the year.
I prefer this one chanted in French.
그 가을
그와 함께 들었던
그윽한 노랫소리
That evening,
we listened to his melancholic
chanson “The Autumn Leaves”.
그대 떠난 자리에
그림처럼 쌓이는
Since you left me,
I can’t fill the vacancy
with deep-hearted longing.
⇒ If you want to read some more amazing Korean poems and lyrics in English, please click here.
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